
A guide consists of several components. The following graphic shows the simple structure of the relationships between the individual components.


Die Komponenten

  • Facette
    A facet is a data block that is used to define the filter properties.
  • Filter
    A filter defines the various options available to the user. Each selection option has one or more facets as filter property.
  • Guide
    The guide is the actual entity that is displayed on the web page. A guide consists of one or more filters.
  • Design
    A design defines the appearance of a guide in the frontend of the website. A design can be used by several guides.
  • Logik
    With the help of logic, filters can be hidden based on the selection of users.
  • Template
    A template determines the design of the results.

As you can see on the graphic, filters are first required to create a guide. But to create a filter, you need facets. How to create facets is shown in the documentation about facets.