Filter – Cards
Different types of filters can be defined in a filter. This includes the filter type Cards.
Under the tab Cards you can define all settings for the individual cards.
- Card Type: With the Card Type you have the choice between checkbox and radio.
- Checkbox: The selection appears as a checkbox form element.
- Radio: The selection appears as a radio button form element.
- Card behavior: Here you can set how the selection should behave.
- Narrow: The selection of several cards is linked with AND.
- Widen: The selection of several cards is linked with OR.
- Card objects: Here you can add as many cards as you like. Each card has its own settings.
Card objects
Each Card Object corresponds to a selection in the frontend.
- Image: The image/icon that is displayed in the card.
- Label: The label of the card.
- Card ID: This is a unique identifier of the card, which you can use in WP filters and control the selection. This value must not be changed.
- Conditions: Here you set what should be filtered when your visitor selects this card in the frontend.
Conditions are rules that are derived from the selection of your visitors to filter your posts.
- Facet: Select the facet you want to use for filtering.
- Rule: Select here how the facet should be compared.
- Behavior: Here you can set how the selection should behave.
- Narrow: The selected values (see next point) are linked with AND.
- Widen: The selected values (see next point) are linked with OR.
- Values: Here you can enter one or more values, which must be true by the rule.
Examples of conditions
- “If the card with the designation Large Screen is selected, then see with which posts the screen size ( Facet ) is larger ( rule ) than 50 inch ( Values ).”
- “If the card with the label “Good Camera” is selected, check which posts have a camera rating ( Facet ) greater ( rule ) than 90 points ( Values ).”
- “If the card with the name Color Red is selected, look for the posts for which the color (Facet) equals (rule) the color RED (Values).”
- “If the card with the designation “Jahreswagen” is selected, then look for posts where the registration date ( Facet ) is less than ( rule ) 1 year ( Values ).”
Under the settings you can set the maximum width and height of the images in the cards. This way you can influence the appearance of the cards.